So, this is not technically baking once again, but it is tasty and if I knew how to make sourdough bread it would have involved baking. I could have lied to you. told you I baked the sourdough bread instead of going to both Kroger and Wal-Mart to find some last night. I did not lie though. Here I am telling you the truth that I am a cheater and this isn't baking, despite the obvious presence of bread and something made in the oven. It is tasty. Also, I love whisky...erm...sauce. Whisky sauce. It is delightful.
The recipe comes from The Pioneer Woman Cooks
I'm not a huge fan of bread pudding but occasionally I'll run across some that I like. This one I like, no raisins!! :-) Sweet enough to put me into a diabetic coma and the whiskey sauce has me trying to think of other things to pour it all over!!!
looks so incredible
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