Jill and I both previously referenced our little, brief, short, not at all of an excruciating drive to Ames, Iowa via Chicago. (i.e. to Evan via Laura and Allen.) You witnessed the baked goods.
Anyone who knows me at all or has ever seen my facebook/computer knows that I usually take pictures of just about everything all the time. I *heart* my camera very much. However, it was cold that weekend and I was sick. Not really icky sick. But def. not in the mood to lug around the camera and harass people into posing sick. I was already hauling around a variety of over the counter medications and might as well have been mainlining Tylenol Cold and Fever. That being said. Here are roughly five of the eight photos I took that weekend.
Hello Evan! Jill and Xian love you!
We enjoy visiting you in Iowa.
But it couldn't be said that we are displeased about the fact that this will probably be our last time visiting you at Iowa State.

Evan's former roommate Wayne. Wayne of U of I, ISG and Circle K. Wayne of a variety of other things as well. Just Wayne. He was in Ames too, visiting Kacy. Kacy is a very funny girl that Jill and I both enjoyed meeting a great deal. We had dinner with them at the
Great Plains Sauce and Dough Company.
Jill and I had been there before on our last visit to Iowa. I like the boy that works there taking orders at the counter. He had a funny hat that I enjoyed. It had
ear flaps and was furry. Also, when he announced that pizzas were ready he did so in this highly amusing game show host voice. I know that not a single one of you care, but it was amusing and I like people who take the time/energy to make their job fun or at least funny.
Anyway, the whole point of this rather long winded and not at all to the point description is that we didn't see much of Kacy or Wayne, but this is where we assume they were while we were preparing to drive back to Indiana.

Isn't Jilly cute? The sky always seems so blue when we are in Ames. It makes for pretty pictures.

Awww...time to say goodbye! I'd post the picture that we took of the three of us together, but frankly it was flattering to no one and as much as I love both of them dearly. I think you can just imagine the three of us together. Evan was in the middle. Jill on the right. Me on the left. We were standing in front of Evan's building. The RAV was in the corner of the picture just a bit. There you go. Crystal clear I'm sure.

There was also a picture of Jill and I together, but who hasn't seen one of those. Plus, her eyes were closed. Evan didn't zoom in very much. I looked...special...to say the least. So none of that for you.