Allen requested that we bake something in his honor. Fried chicken and watermelon cookies just don't sound appetizing, so we picked the next best thing -- apple pie. When Allen lived in Vincennes, almost every weekend he came to visit we would buy a pie to eat while we watched High Fidelity. It was always a frozen Sara Lee Dutch Apple pie with Breyer's vanilla (not vanilla bean, mind you) ice cream to go with it. We got pretty good at baking those frozen pies without burning the crusts by the end of the year.
We found a couple apple pie-type bar recipes, but no dutch apple pie bar recipes. So we combined them and got these tasty little squares. It's not quite dutch apple, but the oatmeal gives that crunchiness plain ol' pie just doesn't have.
So here they are, Allen's Awesome Apple^2s. (That's Apple Squares for you non-math people.) Best served warm with vanilla ice cream and a heaping scoop of John Cusack.
YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!! THESE were nothing short of FANTASTIC! Not to mention i received these fabulous treats days after they were made! I was more than please when they arrived. in fact, i came home, saw the box, freaked out, and pretty much decided i was going to eat the entire box of treats before realizing that i should behave myself because i started a diet only a DAY PRIOR! WHo cares? you just cant help it when it comes to these treats! very very very good! makes me think "mmmmmmmmmmmmmm PIE!!!"
Very rich- delightful. A diabetic's nightmare. Best sugar high i've ever had. I loved it.
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